Sunday, April 26, 2009

How do Women in Niquaab Eat????

Living in Australia, I always wondered how Muslim women who wear the Niquaab (face covering) eat when they are out. I thought I would do a small blog so you all know!

Firstly, most women sit in family sections that are screened or in a position where the women face away from the other men in the restaurant so they can remove their face veils. However, most saudi women do not seem to mind flipping the niquaab back over their heads when they are eating.

Other women, who do not wish to expose their faces, have a different way they can still eat! They have the food in one hand and with the other hand they raise their niquaab and put the food in their mouths. They are used to eating like this, but I am still learning and still find icecream hard to eat without getting it on my veil!

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