Saturday, May 30, 2009

Iranian Candidate Wants to Pay Housewives

Tehran, 22 May (AKI) - One of Iran's four presidential candidates on Friday pledged to pay a salary to Iranian housewives, the country's labour news agency ILNA said. "I will not only use women in key positions but also use their potential in management and will further legalise the job of housewife and pay housewives a salary," said Mohsen Rezaie current secretary of the Expediency Council, former war veteran and presidential hopeful.

Rezaie suggested tapping into a very valuable resource, as up to 70 percent of Iran's university graduates are women.

"Tens of thousands of women have in the recent years graduated in various fields and why should we not make use of this huge potential?," said Rezaie.

On Wednesday, the Iranian electoral watchdog or Guardian Council approved the country's four presidential candidates, out of an original 450 candidates, who will stand for election in the country's upcoming polls on 12 June.

The other candidates include incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is seeking a second term in office, reformist candidate Mehdi Karroubi who is a former speaker of the parliament or Majlis, and former prime minister Mir-Hossein Moussavi.

Iran's Guardian Council is an unelected religious oversight body that vets all election candidates and assesses their moral values and support for the country's system of Islamic government.

More than 450 Iranians, including 42 women, have registered as prospective presidential candidates. More than 46 million Iranians are eligible to take part in the vote.

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